Valentine's Cards Part 2
Baby, you know you couldn't keep me away for so long. You knew you were going to come back to me. Just face the fact, you like it. Sure you have to lie about those black eyes, but it's worth it. Oh wait.. you're just back for your stuff? Guess I over estimated myself. Oh, you just want to see the second part of stupid Valentine's day cards! I'll take what I can get, baby!
The last time it was just Dino's. And let me tell you, people get over those large lizards after the 3rd grade. So let's focus on Pop culture that will actually get you somewhere.
We're starting now, so get your ticket ready.
No time for love, Doctor Jones!
Oh how I love this line.Though "So do you!" doesn't follow it so well.
If you know this Indy game... Well then would YOU be my Valentine?
Forget the Penis Mightier, Umbrela's seem to bet planes for some reason!
History is great for comedy!
I see ABC has actually taken notice and is offering Valentine's Cards of their creations likeLOST and GREY'S ANATOMY. While Grey's would more than likely get you laid, here's some Lost ones that will only lead to more questions.
Let me get your digits, babe.
Yeah, and one day America will vote for a black President
Awww, you see. Now this just goes too far and in poor taste.. and yet funny. Oh so funny.