Wednesday, February 27, 2019



I ,mean, come on. Get your shit together you fucking Millenials. You are spending too much money on avocado toast and maybe if you went to college and got a real degree like we did, you'd have a career that would span you 30 years from a loyal boss and thus, you wouldn't have to live in our basement.

Did you think about that? Oh wait, you did go to college and instead of getting a degree worth even the paper it was printed on, you got a massive student loan bill that can never be written off and has insanely high interest rates that means you'll end up paying at least double for what you took out on. On top of that, the worthlessness of the degree means it's pretty much useless in your efforts to find a job. And whatever job you do end up getting, you can just assume that your boss wold lay you off the moment it could benefit the investors?

Yeah, that sounds about right. So instead of assuming that the reason why Millenials are living at home with their parents even after college and that must mean they're losers, perhaps we should try looking at the world that baby boomers failed to build a society that allows their children to earn a living wage and have the potential to have the same options and opportunities as they did themselves in a post war boom.

Especially because it seems that as it stands, they just come off as fucking leaches that have sucked the life blood from the world and are leaving their children to pick up the pieces like garbage sacks of human flesh that they are.

I've looked around for what the average cost of a home in Los Angeles, even the shitty parts of town are and I'm shocked beyond all measure at how basically it's impossible for someone coming out of college with massive student loans and the job market at the current status, in how they actually make it out in this world. I just don't see how they can. In reality, there's no way anyone who actually listened to the lies and bullshit that their boomer parents were feeding them can get ahead.

It's ironic too since typically parents want to make sure the world they're leaving for the next generation is one that isn't so "Fuck you, Got mine" and yet here we are.

So boomers, once again, FUCK YOU

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