Thursday, September 27, 2018



I like how it seems that everything now a days you have to pick a side to and stick to it. You can't be a Beatles fan and an Elvis fan. You have to pick one. Or in the case of drinking alcohol, you cant be a fan of macro beer or and micro beer. You have to pick one or the other and the line in the sand is drawn in front of you.

I don't understand how having interesting tastes and various strengths of alcoholic beverages is a bad thing that bud fans would totally piss and moan that craft beer exist and that those who enjoy it must clearly be some asshole elitist. There's like a couple hundred thousands craft beers to choose from of all varieties, so saying craft beer sucks is like saying food sucks, it taste bad!"

On the flip side, depending on where you live, your options for craft beer may be limited. Not to mention where you are drinking. Most sporting venues have huge contracts with the big companies. So you'll probably won't see them carry a wide selection of options outside the bud and coor's options. I wouldn't call them crap anyway. Sure, it's a lot more watery than what you're used to with a thick stout from a local craft place, but you have to respect the consistency that a company has in making a beer taste the same in California as it does in New York despite water variations and other factors like weather when it comes to making a beer.

Factor in that it's also fall, so Cider season is going to be blasting off in full effect. Though I'm sure there's even some who think that's a load of shit in itself.

Anyhow, the biggest thing I like about the whole craft beer thang is that it's really very seasonal. You get all sorts of cool stuff that pairs with the weather and may not have the big enough pull year round for the breweries to release under different situations. Right now it's really hot in Southern California, and a super light lager and pilsner or single IPA that hangs at around 4-5% ABV is the perfect thing to drink.

When Autumn gets full on, Marzens, red and brown ales and rye beers really hit the spot in getting you in the mood for that coming of winter. Strong beers keep you warm by numbing the senses. So you can really develop something that goes along with the season in terms of how you're eating. It's very similar to how you would cook with the season in terms of what is offered in your local market or farmer's market. And it's a good indication to see what season it actually is, especially in a place that doesn't really do much in terms of marking the passing of one season to the next.

And yeah, I get it. Pumpkin beers are not looked highly upon. They're the basic of the basic in terms of flavors, but you know what, they sell. So why the fuck not. I'm not going to sit here and say "Those people are enjoying something I do not like. This will simply not stand! As I crack my knuckles and begin to type some rant.

Everyone enjoys something different. Its the nature of life. So you drink what you like. I drink what I like and we're all one big happy... place.

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