Showing posts with label Presidents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Presidents. Show all posts

Monday, February 21, 2011

Score One For The Gipper - Death To America

Score One For The Gipper - Death To America

Well finally, I say. America's greatest president is getting the recognition he deserves! On this President's day we get to see who America sees as the greatest president of all time...
Americans Say Reagan Is the Greatest U.S. President
Lincoln and Clinton next on the list; Washington fifth

by Frank Newport

PRINCETON, NJ -- Ahead of Presidents Day 2011, Americans are most likely to say Ronald Reagan was the nation's greatest president -- slightly ahead of Abraham Lincoln and Bill Clinton. Reagan, Lincoln, or John F. Kennedy has been at the top of this "greatest president" list each time this question has been asked in eight surveys over the last 12 years.

Presidents Day, celebrated on the third Monday of February each year, officially commemorates the Feb. 22 birthday of George Washington. The country's first president is not regarded by Americans as the nation's greatest president, however. Gallup's Feb. 2-5 update shows that Washington comes in fifth on the list, behind Reagan, Lincoln, Clinton, and Kennedy.

In the eight times Gallup has asked this same "greatest president" question over the last 12 years, one of three presidents -- Lincoln, Reagan, and Kennedy -- has topped the list each time. Reagan was the top vote getter in 2001, 2005, and now 2011. Lincoln won in 1999, in two 2003 surveys, and in 2007. Kennedy was on top in 2000, and tied with Lincoln in November 2003.

Americans as a group have a propensity to mention recent presidents, not surprising given that the average American constantly hears about and from presidents in office during their lifetime, and comparatively little about historical presidents long dead. Four of the five most recent presidents are in the top 10 greatest presidents list this year -- Obama, George W. Bush, Clinton, and Reagan.

Reagan Tops Among Republicans, Clinton Among Democrats

Americans clearly evaluate presidents through partisan lenses -- with Democrats and Republicans each most likely to choose a greatest president within their own party. Republicans name Reagan substantially more than anyone else, followed by Washington, Lincoln, Kennedy, and then George W. Bush. Democrats are most likely to say that Clinton was the greatest U.S. president, followed by Kennedy, Barack Obama, Franklin Roosevelt, and Lincoln. Independents name Lincoln and then Reagan as top choices.

Roosevelt on Top 55 Years Ago

The results of a Gallup poll conducted some 55 years ago show how these rankings can change over time. In 1956, Gallup asked Americans to name the top three greatest presidents. The top vote getter at that time was Franklin Roosevelt, who had died only 11 years previously. Roosevelt was followed by Lincoln, Washington, and Dwight Eisenhower, the incumbent president at the time of that poll.


Americans' views on the topic of great presidents appear to have coalesced around three presidents: Lincoln, Reagan, and Kennedy. One of these three has been at the top of the list in each of eight surveys conducted since 1999.

This "greatest president" question is open-ended, meaning that respondents are asked to name a president off the top of their head. This type of measurement tends to increase the mention of recent presidents. Democrats, for example, are most likely to name Clinton -- the most recent Democratic president not currently in office -- as greatest. Republicans, in slightly different fashion, tend to skip over the two most recent Republican presidents, the two Bushes, and instead are most likely to choose Reagan.
god bless Americ...... Ah, what the fuck! I mean, really? Reagan? Not this shit again. Though, if anything this is yet another poll that has the results showing that Americans are idiots. Either that or propaganda works and I shouldn't be shocked by any of it.

He had all the faults and none of the virtues of the fascist: malice without frankness; cruelty without courage; pomp without dignity. And if all 285 million of you fools are willing to sit there and let the jerks lie about him to your face, then you deserve him. He really was your kind of man.

It just goes to show you that following him are Lincoln and Clinton. Washington doesn't come in till 5th? Ha! Ah yes, Obama and Clinto, clearly superior to Roosevelt to our dear friends the Liberal. Everyone knows that the last good president was Richard Nixon.

What? You think I'm crazy for bringing up that crook yet again? Oh, believe me, I do it every time Reagan is mentioned and for good reason. What makes Nixon a good president? Let's see:

-Saved America's environment by creating the environmental protection agency and clean air act while approving the most sweeping environmental legislation in history.

-Simultaneously reformed welfare and brought in serious new civil-rights laws and agencies for minorities, women, the handicapped and children.

-Proclaimed the first official U.S. Earth Day/Earth Week in 1971

-Totally reformed the government's relationship with Native Americans, bringing new self-determination and civil rights to U.S. tribes while saving such Indian natural wonders as Pyramid Lake - the tribe even renamed its capital "Nixon."

-Was even described as "the Abraham Lincoln of the Indian people."

-Loved those Chinese communists.

-Spent more on social programs than defense.

-Fathered screaming ex-socialist lunatic Mojo Nixon.

See! There you have it, hippies. Nixon was more liberal than Clinton.

In fact, both Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter, America's greatest presidents, both were conquered by preening pretty boy morons after their first terms. Nixon was beaten by Kennedy, whose outstanding characteristic was that he was handsome. Carter was beaten by Reagan, whose outstanding characteristic was that people remembered him from the movie pictures.

During the televised debate between Nixon and JFK, Nixon was all sweaty and nervous looking while JFK was pretty smooth and precious looking. JFK was weasely and didn't give a shit about civil rights and was mainly concerned more with being a celebrity than being a political figure.

And then he died. Even if it's true that Nixon was one of the JFK conspirators, I actually hope that's true. JFK was total shit and if he had lived, we'd all see how awful of a president he really was. Oh wait, no. If you morons think Reagan is the best president, JFK getting us into worse problems than the bay of pigs would just cement him as an awesome prez.

So want to see what your dear favorite president was like? How about these:

10 Oct 1965 California gubernatorial candidate Ronald Reagan is quoted in the Fresno Bee as saying: "We should declare war on North Vietnam... It's silly talking about how many years we will have to spend in the jungles of Vietnam when we could pave the whole country and put parking strips on it, and be home by Christmas."
Damn. Well, I guess that is considered a foreign policy of some kind.

20 Oct 1965 California gubernatorial candidate Ronald Reagan is quoted in the Los Angeles Times as saying: "I favor the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and it must be enforced at the point of a bayonet, if necessary."
Well, isn't that good that he was for it.....
17 Jun 1966 California gubernatorial candidate Ronald Reagan is quoted in the Los Angeles Times as saying: "I would have voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964."
I thought you just said you were for it!??
16 Oct 1967 Ronald Reagan is quoted in the Los Angeles Times as saying: "I have a feeling that we are doing better in the (Vietnam) war than the people have been told."
We're doing swell in the jungle, we probably should have just bombed it till it was parking lot, huh?
15 May 1969 Regarding the ongoing student protests at UC Berkeley, California governor Ronald Reagan is quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle as saying: "If there has to be a bloodbath, then let's get it over with."
..... Well then, nothing like shooting our own citizens, even if they are just protesting.
17 May 1976 Ronald Reagan tells Time magazine: "Fascism was really the basis for the New Deal. It was Mussolini's success in Italy, with his government-directed economy, that led the early New Dealers to say 'But Mussolini keeps the trains running on time.'"
And we elected him... How the fuck did that happen?
1979 Ronald Reagan: "The American Petroleum Institute filed suit against the EPA [and] charged that the agency was suppressing a scientific study for fear it might be misinterpreted... The suppressed study reveals that 80 percent of air pollution comes not from chimneys and auto exhaust pipes, but from plants and trees."
Where's the study, EPA? Where's the study!?!?
1980 During an interview with televangelist Jim Bakker on the PTL network, presidential candidate Ronald Reagan predicts that "We may be the generation that sees Armageddon."
Well duh. We have a person who is only half there with his finger on the button. This is like a sports team beating against themselves.
15 Feb 1980 Presidential candidate Ronald Reagan is quoted in the Burlington Free Press as saying: "All the waste in a year from a nuclear power plant can be stored under a desk." The claim is provably false.
Oh gipper, you so crazy.
14 Apr 1980 Presidential candidate Ronald Reagan is quoted in Time magazine as saying: "History shows that when the taxes of a nation approach about 20 percent of the people's income, there begins to be a lack of respect for government... When it reaches 25 percent, there comes an increase in lawlessness." The claim is provably false.
Besides, if they do get upset and start up some lawlessness, we could always shoot them protesters. Right?
21 Apr 1980 Presidential candidate Ronald Reagan is quoted in Newsweek magazine as saying: "Because Vietnam was not a declared war, the veterans are not even eligible for the G.I. Bill of Rights with respect to education or anything." The claim is provably false.
Well then, what a dick! Hey folks, you technically didn't fight a war.. no benefits for you!
10 May 1980 Presidential candidate Ronald Reagan is quoted in the Chicago Tribune as saying: "Trains are not any more energy efficient than the average automobile, with both getting about 48 passenger miles to the gallon." The claim is provably false.
I loved how he claimed that we should have just bought everyone a limo instead of investing in trains.
10 Sep 1980 Presidential candidate Ronald Reagan is quoted in Sierra magazine as saying: "Approximately 80% of our air pollution stems from hydrocarbons released by vegetation. So let's not go overboard in setting and enforcing tough emissions standards from man-made sources." The claim is provably false.

Oct 1980 Ronald Reagan is quoted in the Los Angeles Times as saying: "Growing and decaying vegetation in this land are responsible for 93% of the oxides of nitrogen." The claim is provably false.
I mean, this man really hated his vegetables, didn't he?
20 Oct 1980 Presidential candidate Ronald Reagan is quoted in Time magazine as saying: "I have flown twice over Mount St. Helens. I'm not a scientist and I don't know the figures, but I have a suspicion that one little mountain out there, in these last several months, has probably released more sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere than has been released in the last ten years of automobile driving or things of that kind." The claim is provably false.
And I guess mountains as well.
24 Oct 1980 During a nationally-televised campaign speech, Presidential candidate Ronald Reagan declares: "Mr. Carter is acting as if he hasn't been in charge for the past three and a half years; as if someone else was responsible for the largest deficit in American history." (Carter's total deficit: $252 billion; Reagan's: $1.4 trillion)
And yet we don't give Carter ANY respect? Hell, Carter put up solar panels on the roof of the white house. Reagan's first move was to say "Mr. Roofer, TEAR DOWN THOSE PANELS!"
6 Mar 1981 Ronald Reagan's second press conference held, in which names of reporters are drawn out of a jellybean jar. Those not chosen (including Associated Press and two of the Big Three TV networks) mostly boycott the conference in disgust.
The man sure loved his fucking Jellybeans.
23 Nov 1981 After President Reagan vetoes an emergency spending bill which would have prevented a shutdown of the federal government, House Speaker Tip O'Neill tells a reporter: "He knows less about the budget than any president in my lifetime. He can't even carry on a conversation about the budget. It's an absolute and utter disgrace."
Pretty much sums his experience up there.
May 1982 President Ronald Reagan declares: "In England, if a criminal carried a gun, even though he didn't use it, he was tried for first-degree murder and hung if he was found guilty."

7 Mar 1983 President Ronald Reagan tells a group of ultraconservatives that "this country is compelled by scripture and the Lord Jesus Christ to oppose Russia with all military and political means."
How the hell did this man win with the gun nuts in this country? I mean, seriously. Yeah, thank goodness we're not in England. Otherwise we wouldn't have won the revolution if we maintained their laws.
21 Sep 1983 Ronald Reagan's Secretary of the Interior, James Watt, describes his staff's racial diversity to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce: "We have every mixture you can have. I have a black, a woman, two Jews and a cripple. And we have talent." Watt is forced to resign 18 days later over these comments.
The cripple he was referring to was Reagan.
31 Jan 1984 President Ronald Reagan tells Good Morning America: "What we have found in this country, and maybe we're more aware of it now, is one problem that we've had, even in the best of times, and that is the people who are sleeping on the grates, the homeless who are homeless, you might say, by choice."
Yeah, they sleep their by choice. Mainly because you kicked them out of the mental hospitals and wards by closing them all down.
30 Apr 1984 When a student at Shanghai's University of Fudan asks which life experiences best prepared him for being President of the United States, Ronald Reagan replies: "You'd be surprised how much being a good actor pays off."
Yes, act like you're one of them. Fool them some more.
17 Feb 1987 Soviet premier Mikhail Gorbachev reveals Reagan's preoccupation with space aliens: "At our meeting in Geneva, the U.S. President said that if the earth faced an invasion by extraterrestials, the United States and the Soviet Union would join forces to repel such an invasion. I shall not dispute the hypothesis, though I think it's early yet to worry about such an intrusion..."
Star Wars program finally explained. Either that or we could blame Lucas for this waste of tax dollars.
May 1987 According to his authorized biography (published in 2000), Reagan wonders aloud about the AIDS pandemic: "Maybe the Lord brought down this plague... [because] illicit sex is against the Ten Commandments." [Dutch, p. 458]
And since the lord brought down this plague, it's every reason for Reagan NOT to do shit about the epidemic
15 Sep 1987 During a luncheon with Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnatze in the White House, President Reagan once again wondered what would happen if the Earth were under attack from an external threat: "Don't you think the United States and the Soviet Union would be together?"
Soon after, he brought down the Russian bastards. I guess he figured he could take those alien fuckers out himself.
4 May 1988 During a question-and-answer session in Chicago, President Reagan revisits his 'invaders from space' notion: "I've often wondered, what if all of us in the world discovered that we were threatened by an outer -- a power from outer space, from another planet. Wouldn't we all of a sudden find that we didn't have any differences between us at all, we were all human beings, citizens of the world, and wouldn't we come together to fight that particular threat?"
Reagan really was pretty hardcore about these Aliens, wasn't he? I guess it would give conspiracy theorist something to run with if it wasn't for the fact that Reagan was mentally checked out.

But maybe all this does show that Reagan was clearly a great president whether I agree with his policies or not. I mean, the function of the American president isn't "good policy" or sound thinking, it's the ability to absorb, reflect and materialize the character of the people. To be their representative to the world. And lord knows Americans as a whole are generally fucking stupid.

Over all he made people feel good about themselves, optimistic and free about the shitty times happening around him. The results of polls like this just speak for themselves in terms of the view point of the people.

Maybe it's just that I need to stop giving a fuck about the opinion held by the US-American population. Maybe then I'll be a happier person for it.

Friday, August 27, 2010

William Henry Harrison - Great President or Greatest President?

William Henry Harrison - Great President or Greatest President?

Gather around, children, so you can listen to the amazing tail of William Henry Harrison. He was your 9th President of the United States and you see, he was the greatest president. His first move as president was delivering a 2 hour inaugural address in the cold rain without any hat or coat, led to his death by pneumonia 1 month later.

This should be widely regarded as ingenious, preserving his legacy by removing any chance of fucking things up. This portrait of William Henry Harrison looks like it could be Dewey from Malcom in the middle all grown up.

You see, by enacting nothing of any consequence, he objectively fucked up less than all other US Presidents combined. In this day and age, say for example 2012, we need a visionary to carry on William Henry Harrions' vision of not fucking anything up. These days, it's increasingly clear that any attempt to make anything better just fucks things up worse.

Bailouts? Should've let them fail. Healthcare reform? Watered down to a glorified insurance company handout package. Financial reform? Still contains retarded loopholes. Who can we trust to not to fuck anything up?

And for those who say he was a war criminal... Well, there's not much of you anyway because who the fuck keeps up with American history anyway? I mean, most of you think that Ben Franklin was one of our Presidents for fucks sake. But anyhow, he was only a war criminal whilst not President, so my statement still stands as accurate.

Only a few others come close. Linden Johnson was close as the great American President just wanted to kill poverty while simultaneously shooting the kids at school. But William was the first person to ever kill a sitting U.S. president, so he has that going for himself.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fun Facts About The Founding Fathers

Fun Facts About The Founding Fathers

Don't lie, by this time on this Thursday you're just limping to the barn at work. Waiting for when the clock runs up so you can get the party started by calling in sick tomorrow and enjoying a three day 4th of July weekend. What better way to kill the time than to lay some facts on you about our founding fathers you may not know.

These fun facts can impress your friends as you get drunk at this weekend's BBQ or while you're in the hospital waiting room on Sunday night waiting to see if they can put your nephew's hand back together. So take some notes - But since I'm over estimating our public schools, let's just lay one thing out there.

The term 'Found Father' conventionally refers to the signers of the declaration of independence or to high-profile patriots during the revolution. Hillbillies a century down the road, as influential as they may have been in modifying how the extant state operated, are not founding fathers.

George Washington's teeth were made of expensive African ivory, not wood. Wooden teeth? Get the fuck out of here. That would be very uncomfortable. What can I say, the man liked expensive things.

Though he was a notorious haggler who hated to pay full price. So you'd probably see him right at home in Glendale. He only went to war with England because the king wouldn't break treaties with the Indians and give him fuckloads of land in the Ohio river valley.

Washington probably died from all the bloodletting he went through in what would now be considered alternative medicine. His actual illness probably wasn't the thing that did him in.

Ben Franklin was a fat atheist (yet you religious freaks still love him) who had the gout and loved hookers. Hookers were probably Ben Franklin's favorite thing in the world. He also wanted the flag to be that "Don't tread on me" snake thing you see at tea parties and wanted the national bird to be a turkey.

When Ben Franklin got old, he was assigned a personal assistant to follow him everywhere to keep him from just going on about banging hookers and dirty government deals because he was one of those "I don't give a fuck anymore" type of old guys.

Thomas Jefferson was a drunkard and a hypocrite who managed to somehow run a slave plantation into the ground. He pretty much invented contemporary racism single handed. But he loved fucking black chicks. Must have been trying to keep all that fat asses to himself. He thought that sending all the children of slaves to die in the Caribbean was a good plan, but it was too expensive for him to actually carry out.

On that note, almost all of the founding father's thought slavery was the natural order of things. To the founding fathers wage labor was seen as dehumanizing and "white slavery" and they imagined most Americans would always be farmers or merchants controlling their own meagre means of production.

It's also comical with regards to health care. Seeing as even though doctors existed back then, chances are that if you got sick you died no matter how fucking rich you were. John Adams and the 5th congress still saw fit to levy a Mandatory Tax on ship owners to fund the marine hospitals

For you gun nuts out there thumping your second amendment - The founding fathers didn't give a fuck about personal gun rights and wanted a militia instead of a standing army because they hated standing armies. Well, let me correct that. Jefferson hated standing armies. Hamilton, Washington, and Adams loved war and believed it was a primary route to glory and achievement. Especially Hamilton. Madison and Monroe were more pragmatists about it, largely because they held power as the war of 1812 approached.

And since I need a page break, here's some stupid rap

Let me get back on Jefferson a little more. He was a bit of a complicated guy, but in essence he was

1. Anti-slavery, but skeptical about race relations
2) Anti-capitalist, and deeply worried about the effect of large scale industry and finance on political and social relations.
3) Radically pro-rights, for everything from expression to religion, in a way other founders sans Paine could not match.
4) Pro-revolutionary -- he believed the revolution had not gone far enough in some ways, that monolithic powers should not be built on a democratic foundation, etc.

Thomas Paine was socialist as fuck. Tea baggers would call Obama a conservative god compared to Paine, if they actually did any sort of research. His mentality was "Fuck welfare, EVERYONE gets money when you turn 21 no matter what. "

The famous "Tree of liberty" quote that Teabaggers have claimed so rightfully theirs was actually written to conservatives in America and French exiles about the importance of the French revolution.

Alexander Hamilton sucked at dueling.

Patrick Henry kept his wife chained up in the basement and was a strong advocate of Fourth wave feminism. His wife had post-partem depression and she was never in a straight jacket. Though, to be fair, while she lived in the basement she had a HUGE fireplace, servants and all the comforts she could ever want. Not to mention a pretty nice view of the garden.

Lincoln did mor to shape the current state of the nation than any of the old white guys in Philadelphia... Just sayin'.

Zachary Taylor is a president you may not know about. He's the 12th president and he should be known for one thing. He is literally the best president for one reason. He died from eating too much on the 4th of July and shitting himself to death.

Friday, May 21, 2010

What's The Best Way To Kill Barack Obama?

What's The Best Way To Kill Barack Obama?

Now that I got the FBI's attention, let's talk about this guy and what he said to a classroom of math students.

And for those of you who don't want to click on the youtube link, it went down like this:
The teacher was appar­ently teaching his geometry students about parallel lines and angles, officials said. He used the example of where to stand and aim if shooting Obama.

"He was talking about angles and said, 'If you're in this building, you would need to take this angle to shoot the president,'" said Joseph Brown, a senior in the geometry class.
Another student said: "We were going over a test and getting reviewed for our finals and were going over tangency. A student walked in and said, 'Well, if you shoot the president...' and the teacher picked up on it and said, 'OK, if you shoot off his ear, that is a point of tangency.'"
Malia Drummond, a student in Harrison's class during the lesson, defended him as an conscientious teacher who didn't deserve to be fired. She told Birmingham News: "Yeah, the comment was probably inappropriate, but who in America hasn't make a joke about Obama?

Well now, I guess columbine paranoia has died down a bit, wasn't so long ago that a student even mentioned anything about shooting or bombs would send up alarms and they'll get expelled and questioned by the police. Here I thought the teacher was just trying to educate them on the world of angles.

Math teachers in general are pretty creepy though. I think it's all the time spent with numbers that just drives them off the deep end. As well as figuring out that we're simply insignificant numbers in the grand scheme of things. But come on. The baby who squealed on him needs to be punched into oblivion. Don't they know that snitches get stitches?

I mean, did you know that it was illegal? That suggesting or even saying you will kill the president can get you into some real deep trouble? It's something you should know cause, I mean.. it is one of those things you would think is in your freedom of speech rights but isn't. I mean, ask this guy. He'll give you the skinny.

Ha ha ha ha.. but no. Seriously all joking aside, how do we kill the president? I'm putting the FBI spotlight on you, people. How would you kill the president?

Ice pick to the bilderberg receiver in the back?

Carnivorous teleprompter?

Poisoning his breakfast with 50,000 barrels of crude oil each day

With Kindness?

I hear that he's allergic to coherent policy and keeping campaign promises, so the surest way would probably be making him do something related to those.

Most importantly, Where's the death certificate?

I'm sure someone seriously reported this blog post to the secret service and they're gonna have to investigate all threats to the president no matter how stupid and ridiculous it sounds. Even if it's full of sarcasm and black comedy. And if they're not on the case, perhaps I should expand it out to world leaders on a whole. What's the best way to kill Margaret Thatcher? I imagine jumping out and shouting "BOO" would probably do the trick.

Or I could be like those Ring Wingers who are quoting a bible verse that means "Go kill a black democrat" and expressing this view through bumper stickers. it's just perfect, if you think about it. I mean, what the bible verse is saying is may he die quickly. That surely isn't inciting violence in your prayer, right? I wonder if you can incite god to violence and does it fall under the freedom of/for religion? I guess that's how this teacher should have played it out.

I remember my youth with English teachers making joke about the death of the Pope. Ah yes, my drunk English teacher in catholic school was pretty cool.. and drunk. Perhaps this all could have been avoided if the Math teacher used Hitler as the example as no one cares if we kill him off in our words and imagination. It should be like that in all text books because kids love that sort of shit.

With this blog I am not encouraging or inciting anyone to make any physical and mental harm on our president. Nor am I making any threat to our president or any president of our rich American history. Though Lincoln kind of had it coming.

See you guys in Gitmo!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Being The President Must Suck

Being The President Must Suck

When I was little I would hear school mates talk about how they wanted to be the President when they grew up. I knew better. Why the hell would I want the nation under my control? What kind of a control freak do you have to be in order to do that shit? You see how much shit Obama is getting trying to get proper health care off the ground. Hell, you have crazy pastors hoping that someone kills him. What kind of childhood ambitions would I have if I aspired to be the President? Might as well just want to be killed.

The President has it bad. Too many choices to make and in the end, everyone just remembers the bad things you did more than the good things you ever pulled out of your ass with a hope and a prayer. Yeah, sure. You're going to be in a select club that only 44 other people are in and if you want to talk about special days, forget Valentine's Day, in order to really feel celebrated try being a President. The majority of the people in that club are already dead and all of them, in retrospect, were only human.

Much like any human, we have our faults. Me? I like to consume large amounts of beer of mircorbrewery levels and then write blogs about pointless topics that have hints of comedy and perhaps some lesson snuck in there. And just to prove to you that your presidents of the past which you should be honoring today aren't beyond human, here's a list of the presidents and the terrible choices they made while in office.

George Washington:
* Pretty sure he said that stopping the lynching of loyalists would be a violation of the "rights" of the people.
* Signed the Fugitive Slave Act.
* Slave owner.

John Adams:
* Sedition Act.

Thomas Jefferson:
* Hypocritical racist slave owner.

James Madison:
* War of 1812, literally the stupidest war the USA has ever been involved in.

James Monroe:
* Imperialist war to steal Florida
* Missouri Compromise

John Quincy Adams
* Nothing, he owns, tell me something he did bad. I dare you.

Andrew Jackson:
* Trail of Tears
* Gag Rule
* Caused Panic of 1837

Martin Van Buren:
* Panic of 1837
* Trail of Tears

William Harrison:
* Literally ran on his genocide of Native Americans.

John Tyler:
* Brutal imperialist war against the people of Mexico for some slave-owning anglos.

James K. Polk:
* Brutal imperialist war against the people of Mexico for some slave-owning anglos.

Zachary Taylor:
* Slave owner.
* Set stage for Compromise of 1850

Millard Fillmore:
* Responsible for the creation of one of the most brutal empires in history just so the US could continue its endless expansion westward.
* Compromise of 1850

Franklin Pierce:
* Overturned Missouri Compromise, making more slavery.
* When both fanatical slavery and anti-slavery groups moved to the newly encorperated state of Kansas, formed seperate governments, and essentially had a mini civil war, he did nothing because of states right

James Buchanan:
* Saw the Civil War's beginnings, did fuck all.

Abraham Lincoln:
* Drafted civilian populace.
* Suspended Habeas Corpus.
* Shut down over 400 newspapers
* Set up a political prison camp on an island off of new york,
* Issued a warrant to have the chief justice of the supreme court Roger B. Taney arrested
* Had senators arrested on the floor of the senate

Andrew Johnson:
* Vetoed a bunch of civil rights bills.

Ulysses Grant:
* Horrifically corrupt.

Rutherford Hayes:
* First President ever to order US soldiers to murder strikers.
* Ended reconstruction

James Garfield:
* Didn't give Charles J. Guiteau his rightful post.

Chester Arthur:
* Chinese Exclusion Act

Benjamin Harrison:
* Annexation of Hawaii.

Grover Cleveland:
* Pullman Strike

William McKinley:
* Spanish-American War
* Philippine-American War
* Open door policy, formally tied US military imperialism to US economic imperialism.

Theodore Roosevelt:
* Invaded Panama to take control of the canal.
* Revised Monroe doctrine to be a rationale for US imperialism rather than a decrying of European imperialism.

William Taft:
* Invaded Nicaragua
* Got Woodrow Wilson elected.

Woodrow Wilson:
* American police state, brutally suppressed dissent.
* Espionage Act of 1917
* Sedition Act of 1918
* Wilsonian idealism
* Manipulated American public to convince them to enter into World War One
* Assistance to white forces during the Russian Civil War
* Initially opposed to suffrage.

William Harding:
* Pussy on lynching.
* Let his horribly corrupt friends run the government, culminating in the Teapot Dome scandal.

Calvin Coolidge:
* Responsible for the economic policies which lead to the Great Depression.

Herbert Hoover:
* Did fuck all for Americans during the Great Depression.
* Sent troops to stop the Bonus Army.
* Mexican Repatriation

Franklin Roosevelt:
* Firebombed Tokyo and Dresden.
* Purposefully, knowingly engaged in actions that would force Japan to go to war with the USA, but simultaneously failed to adequately protect the US Navy from a (probable) surprise attack.
* Illegally interned US civilians on the basis of ethnicity.
* Mexican Repatriation

Harry Truman:
* Overthrew democratically elected governments of Syria and Greece.
* Nuked Japanese civilian targets, a pointless act done solely as a show of force against the USSR (the Japanese surrendered because the Soviets declared war on them).
* National Security Act of 1947.
* Truman Doctrine
* Supported France retaining its colonial possessions.

Dwight Eisenhower:
* Began US policy of imperialism and neo-colonialism by overthrowing the democratically-elected governments of Iran and Guatemala.
* Started Vietnam
* Interstate system
* Fomented revolution in Hungary, which was crushed when the US refused to support the revolutionaries
* Operation Wetback
* Lied about the U-2 spyplane shot down over the USSR, which halted talks to halt nuclear weapons production.
* Korean War.
* Overthrew the government of the Republic of Congo.

John Kennedy:
* Stepped up Vietnam War
* Relocated the Seneca Indians, breaking a treaty and a campaign promise.
* Allowed the FBI to wiretap Martin Luther King on suspicion that he might be a Communist.
* Bay of Pigs
* Executed a coup in Iraq.
* Would have been remembered for more terrible things if he hadn't been killed

Lyndon Johnson:
* Drafted US civilians
* Backed Saddam Hussein's acquisition of power in Iraq.
* Stepped up the Vietnam War
* Suppressed Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (anti-segregation offshoot of Democratic Party)
* Failed to implement Universal Health Care
* Maintained the embargo against Cuba.
* Backed a coup in Brazil.

Richard Nixon:
* Bombed the shit out of the Cambodian civilian populace, enabling Pol Pot's regime to take power.
* Illegal wiretapping
* Directly involved in the overthrow of Allende, established Pinochet
* Watergate
* Implemented the southern strategy which used racism to bring southern whites into the Republican Party
* Ordered a coup in Chile.
* Failed to implement Universal Health Care
* Started War on Drugs.
* Maintained the embargo against Cuba.

Gerald Ford:
* Pardoned Nixon.
* Brought a whole slough of shitty neocons into the political mainstream
* Failed to implement Universal Health Care
* Gave the OK to President Suharto of Indonesia for the invasion and genocide of East Timor.
* Mayaguez Incident.
* Maintained the embargo against Cuba.

Jimmy Carter:
* Stepped up aid to the Jakarta regime in Indonesia as it committed genocide against the population of East Timor.
* Fed Mujahideen
* Backed a coup in Turkey.
* Failed to implement Universal Health Care
* Refused to return Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi to Iran for trial.
* Funded the training of insurgents in Afghanistan and Pakistan in order to combat the USSR's invasion of Afghanistan according to the Carter Doctrine.
* Cracked down on pork spending which in turn got the dems in Congress' panties twisted up in a knot and they sat there like children and crossed their arms and went "LALALALALALA" to everything he said from then on.
* The Malaise speech which did the same thing to all of the US and along with the Iran Hostage Crisis rolled out the red carpet for Reagan.
* Maintained the embargo against Cuba.

Ronald Reagan:
* Bombed Tripoli, Libya and killed a bunch of people.
* Initiated the trend of modern prison privatizations.
* Sold Saddam Hussein biological and chemical weapons during the Iran/Iraq War.
* Created mandatory minimum sentencing.
* Appointed Alan Greenspan as Chairman of the Federal Reserve
* Failed to implement Universal Health Care
* Supported Apartheid
* Surrendered the working man in the USA to capitalist-class interests.
* Fed Mujahideen
* Iran-Contra Affair
* Tried to veto Martin Luther King Day.
* War on Drugs
* Invaded Grenada.
* Ignored HIV/AIDS
* Killed Fairness Doctrine, leading to rise of conservative talk radio.
* Supported various violent warlords in the third world
* Reaganomics.
* Cut the taxes on the wealthy dramatically.
* Set record deficit.
* Sponsored death squads in El Salvador.
* Responsible for Savings and Loan crisis.
* Maintained the embargo against Cuba.
* Military aid to Israel.

George Bush I:
* Gulf War
* Failed to implement Universal Health Care
* Pardoned a bunch of people involved with Iran Contra
* Stepped up the War on Drugs.
* Appointed one of the least experienced judges in history.
* Appointed Alan Greenspan as Chairman of the Federal Reserve
* Set record deficit.
* Maintained the embargo against Cuba.
* Military aid to Israel.

Bill Clinton:
* Seriously expanded extraordinary rendition.
* Iraq Liberation Act.
* Appointed Alan Greenspan as Chairman of the Federal Reserve
* Failed to implement Universal Health Care
* Didn't do anything to stop Rwandan genocide
* Ramped up Drug War
* Hit Iraq with cruise missiles.
* Brought heavy influence from the military with personnel and equipment to the Drug War, often in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act.
* Doubled prison population.
* Bombed Somalia, let the entire country collapse.
* Don't Ask, Don't Tell
* Lied under oath.
* Crime Act of 1994
* "Welfare reforms" of 1996
* Signed DMCA
* Kept and defended China's most favored nation trading status to "democratize them."
* The Massacre at Waco
* Bombed pharmaceutical plant in Sudan which supplied more than half its medicine and 90% of its most critical medicines, leading to countless civilian deaths from preventable diseases.
* Military aid to Israel.
* Bombed civilian targets in Yugoslavia.
* Defense of Marriage Act
* Maintained the embargo against Cuba.

George Bush II:
* Lied to the public to start idiotic war in Iraq.
* Started idiotic war in Iraq, killing many civilians.
* Appointed Alan Greenspan as Chairman of the Federal Reserve
* Began torturing "suspected" terrorists.
* Paid conservative columnists to push his policies.
* Politicized justice department
* Pushed for the allowance of offshore drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge
* Illegal wiretapping
* 9/11
* Mishandling of Hurricane Katrina
* War in Afghanistan
* Spent at least part of 1,040 days on vacation.
* No Child Left Behind
* Destroyed the budget
* Medicare drugs act
* Failed to implement Universal Health Care
* Attempted to privatize social security
* Allowed the economy to be destroyed on his watch
* Set record deficit.
* No-bid contracts to corporations
* Secret prisons
* Commuted Scooter Libby's sentence
* Military aid to Israel.
* Politicized global warming reports
* Vetoed SCHIP and stem cell research
* Clear Skies Act
* Tried to amend constitution to ban gay marriage. Twice.
* His tax cuts.
* Established Department of Homeland Security.
* Nominated cronies to important political positions.
* Maintained the embargo against Cuba.

Barack Obama:
* Stepping up war in Afghanistan
* Under his regime, torture rates in Guantanamo have gone up.
* Set record deficit.
* Military aid to Israel.
* Failed to implement Universal Health Care
* Maintained the embargo against Cuba.
* Allowed the Banks to pretty much rape the public
* Still has yet to close Guantanamo
* chooms it up
* is a better campaigner than a better leader

And while we're talking about Presidents of the past - let's talk about a moment that I would consider a precious moment in our nations history. Scary enough, it's dealing with someone I would consider the worst president ever. One who I have constantly made plans to go to his library as well as his grave in Orange County and pissing on. Richard Nixon. From the New York Times
WASHINGTON, May 9 President Nixon left the White House shortly before dawn this morning, drove to the Lincoln Memorial and spent an hour chatting with young people who had come to protest his war policies
I don't have New York Times archives so that's all I can bring up on it now. But doesn't this seem like a remarkable thing for a president to do? For all Nixon's faults, his self-pity and his arrogance, I think it's safe to say that unlike the blissful ignorance of Reagan and Bush, he wrestled with a turbulent conscience. Who can imagine a current President doing this? Having the balls to go down to a Washington memorial at 4.a.m and listen to the concerns of America's young? It's easy to despair over what's happening to the US at the moment, but when I look back at something like this it reminds me that American Democracy means something.

Most of all that no-one is beyond redemption. Yeah, a lot of you are thinking that this was nothing more than a presidential photo op. But then again, what sort of photo op is it without a photograph of the event?

Richard Nixon was evil, let there be no mistake in the history books about that. Richard Nixon was an evil man -- evil in a way that only those who believe in the physical reality of the Devil can understand it. He was utterly without ethics or morals or any bedrock sense of decency. Nobody trusted him -- except maybe the Stalinist Chinese, and honest historians will remember him mainly as a rat who kept scrambling to get back on the ship.

In retrospect, I think I'd rather have Nixon be President-for-Life than have any or all of the ensuing administrations. Hell, if having Nixon in office would have precluded Reagan from being president, that alone is worth it. Nixon hated Reagan and probably would have had him assassinated. That in itself is grounds for me saying that sometimes some evils should be accepted.

I'm not going to try to defend the asshole but he was trying to convince Congress to pass UHC before Watergate. I guess we're just cursed to not have health care for all options anytime. Bill Clinton almost got there, but some head really blew that one and made a mess of that term of office. Nixon was also known for instituting affirmative action, pushing forward desegregation, and setting up OSHA. So there was something to come from that evil.

Just imagine that if watergate never happened Nixon wouldbe in the top 5 of the greatest presidents and he would have won that election anyway. What an error on his part to even have to go through the whole watergate situation to begin with. I guess great power does corrupt. So perhaps that's why it confuses me that we even have this day of celebration of only 44 men who have stepped up to the plate to lead us, the utterly mindless public into a better tomorrow.

Perhaps I just answered my own question there. In a nation that is full of retards and people who don't know any better and try to tell lead them is a job that I don't think any sane person would really want. It's thankless and as you can see by me pointing out all the negative events that happened on their watch, many of which are not their fault, some of which were caused by the previous administration, I guess this day should be used to think about those people in the past that made those difficult choices and had to live with the results.

So enjoy this day and try to think of one president in the history of our nation and realize how difficult their actions and choices must have been. Don't just use this day to buy a mattress or appliance.

Happy Presidents Day

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

All The Presidents Gettin' It On

All The Presidents Gettin' It On

Yesterday I showed you a pretty nice take of all the president's women.. today I go a little more hardcore and show you all the presidents.... GETTIN' IT ON! OOOOOoooh Yeah! This is a pretty strange exhibition as the artist paints herself having sex with all the presidents.

The President fucker right here.

Yes. That's right. She creates scandel by having all of the first men.
In Join Or Die, I paint myself having sex with the Presidents of the United States in chronological order. I am interested in humanizing and demythologizing the Presidents by addressing their public legacies and private lives. The presidency itself is a seemingly immortal and impenetrable institution; by inserting myself in its timeline, I attempt to locate something intimate and mortal. I use this intimacy to subvert authority, but it demands that I make myself vulnerable along with the Presidents. A power lies in rendering these patriarchal figures the possible object of shame, ridicule and desire, but it is a power that is constantly negotiated.

I approach the spectacle of sex and politics with a certain playfulness. It would be easy to let the images slide into territory that's strictly pornographic—the lurid and hardcore, the predictably "controversial." One could also imagine a series preoccupied with wearing its "Fuck the Man" symbolism on its sleeve. But I wish to move beyond these things and make something playful and tender and maybe a little ambiguous, but exuberantly so. This, I feel, is the most humanizing act I can do.
Her statement about it is unbearably pretentious. Then again that's art-speak, man, haven't you ever been to a gallery?

This whole thing is a little suspicious. On the one hand, her pretentious art speak makes sense, but on the other hand this gives her an excuse to draw herself naked and having sex 43 times (44 if she fucks Cleveland twice) and be called edgy and daring for it.

I bet all the other artists who like drawing themselves having sex were bummed they didn't think of it first

And here she is giving head

Since you need to witness this car accident of an art exhibit, here's the Link to the art pieces of her fucking the Presidents

I guess the real question is that if you haven't imagined yourself having sex with all the presidents before now, I don't know what to tell you. You're just not human. At least not patriotic. So far I did a blog on the President's mistresses and now the Presidents themselves. She needs to do the first ladies series next.

I'm really tempted to ask her which president had the biggest wang in her little fantasy world. But that'll just open up a can of worms that I'm not ready tohandle.

Is she pegging Buchanan. I was worried about how she'd handle the gay one but it all worked out in the end. Yes, that was a pun. Hey, if she could get away with bending over and fucking the chef in command, I could do stupid puns. What, are you going to stop me?

How could she treat the Presidents this way. I guess the artist does want to humanize them but I have to question if seeing someone getting pegged or getting it on really does that? It's using their image and just enjoying sex with them. Well, does it seem like enjoyment? I guess that's in the eye of the beholder (D&D reference oooh yeah!) Well it's too late now. The only question is if she'll follow through and finish this series. I have to say, I lost it when i got to John Quincy Adams.

He looks like Jabba the Hutt. Which I'm not sure if it's historically accurate but hey, this Asian wants to take it to the streets, she's gonna have to play hard. Wait, what did that even mean?

Some of these are a little odd though. I'm not even touching the Pegging. I'm a bit surprised and looking forward to what's to come. FDR should totally be getting a lapdance. It'd be awesome if her picture of her with Warren G. Harding was him completely limp with an apologetic facial expression and she's in the foreground like "Whatever."

How could I forget Tricky Dick? Nixon's gonna be funny whatever it is because she has to paint his scowl. It's by law that he has to always have a scowl on his face whenever he's pictured. We call it Nixon's law.

Carter will be so sad, he said that he once cheated on his wife by having thoughts for another woman and it made him feel shitty. This bitch is gonna break his heart. Why would you do that to Jimmy, WHY?!?! I mean, she drew Lincoln without his hat, grant without a liquor bottle, and Jackson without a single firearm. She's not really making them any less human. Though, I guess using items that would have me relating to their image does help the cause.

Why stop at the Presidents anyway? What about the Vice Presidents? Do they get sloppy seconds? I will pay good money if she did a series on Al Gore and Biden. Shit, Biden needs a full 50 painting series himself. His smirk alone could make any girl drip.

I wonder if she did any history on these guys and found out what they'd like sexual and then went from there. Like, does Lincoln really have an enjoyment of getting head? I know he liked Wrestling, but did he really like head? Let's not talk about the pegging but if this isn't just some social commentary on the presidents basic human enjoyment, I'm not sure that this isn't anything more than her fucking some presidents.

Perhaps she's just playing into the whole deep seeded Asian girl fantasy most men have. I can honestly say that I don't give a shit about all that. I'm immune to that Asian ~*^_^*~ Fetish. Maybe it's just that they think they'll have someone to watch anime together and eat Japanese food with. The idea that they're naturally submissive must really get those guys with insecurity issues. Guess what guys, cleaning the cheetos crumbs out of your chest hair is not l'amour!

This kinda makes me wish I had voted for Hillary Clinton, or as all the peeps who know whats up call her, Hilldog. Perhaps she should make a gangbang scene with all the Presidents waiting in line for their turn. I mean, how can you do any president after Obama? Isn't there some sort of saying for that whole thing? Oh, don't act like you're innocent and pure. I don't even need to say it and I'm sure you already know what I'm talking about.

So yes. I end March with the art world marching forth in a political manner. Maybe April will be a little less political and a little more celebratory since it's filled with so many fun dates to look forward to. On to a new age!

Monday, March 30, 2009

All The President's Women

All The President's Women

They say that behind every good man there's a better woman. I'm not sure if that's reverse sexism or not but I'll just roll with it. I mean, clearly Obama has a good right hand with Michelle, like every other President before him to keep them the man they are. But with that whole First Lady duty comes a lot of responsibilities. Being President of the free nation of ours is a stressful job. What if they aren't up for the task?

Well, it's nothing new. Through the course of time there has been the commander in chef that has looked elsewhere to get a little executive orders done. The faces and scandals behind them are known and history has indeed become the judge of their actions. Then again, we've more or less forgot all about them while we look for our new leader to screw up somehow.

So it's my honor to bring you this link and several images of all the Presidents Floozies. by artist Annie Kevans

Sally Cary Fairfax - Washington

Venus - Washington Doing slave girls like its 1799

Sally Hemings - Jefferson The Original Playa

Maria Cosway - Jefferson

Ellen Randolph - Van Buren
Has that Goth thing going. Very Noooice!

William Rufus DeVane King - Buchanan
Don't ask, Don't tell.

Lucia Gilbert Calhoun - Garfield

Maria Halpin - Grover Cleveland

Mary Allen Hulbert Peck - Wilson

Carrie Phillips - Warren G Harding

Nan Britton - Warren G Harding

Lucy Page Mercer - FDR Dorothy

Schiff - FDR

Princess Martha of Norway - FDR
Not bad for a cripple!

Kay Summersby - Eisenhower

Judith Exner - JFK The biggest Mack Daddy-in-Chief of them all!

Pam Turnure - JFK

Blaze Starr - JFK

Marilyn Monroe - JFK
Oh yeah you know he hit that

Ellen Romesch - JFK

Gunilla Von Post - JFK

Jill Cowan (Faddle)- JFK

Mariella Novotny - JFK

Priscilla Wear (Fiddle) - JFK

Annie Blanche Banks (Tempest Storm) - JFK

Leslie Devereaux - JFK
This fucking guy, seriously. You sure it wasn't an angry husband on the grassy hill?

Madeleine Brown - LBJ

Alice Glass - LBJ

Paula Jones - Bill Clinton

Monica Lewinsky - Bill Clinton
Somehow I'm in the mood for a cigar...

So while Bill Clinton may have been a major playa, all you playa haters out there can focus your attention on the first Playa

Yeah, that's right. You wont say anything bad about this guy cause, well, he didn't have it all that good. Let's see you get through the Cuban missile crisis without a staff of women on the side. Jackie O was hottie but we're talking about an all out doomsday situation.

In any case, Great work Annie. Your images are simple and yet very distinct.