Sunday, January 16, 2011

How I Met Your Mother - By The Numbers

How I Met Your Mother - By The Numbers

If you were looking closely at last weeks How I Met Your Mother, you may have noticed something strange about the episode. In that there was a count down going on. So here you go in the event that you didn't catch them.

Then it reached 0. At that point M-O-O-N, that spells dead.

But yes, the count down seemed pretty obvious throughout the whole episode. It sort of made you wonder what it was counting down to. Was it when Lily was going to get knocked up? Bam! Nope. Dad died.

The folks over at HIMYM were using it as a clue to the audience in early on that something momentous was going to happen. It's not really the most fun thing that they'd had to write but considering the direction the show is going to go in the next few episodes, it was needed.

Expect corporate Marshall to start to reconsider his place and his direction. It sort of struck a cord with me right now because I just found out my neighbor growing up, this old guy who was pretty grumpy but otherwise friendly towards me passed away recently. It through me for a loop because I had bumped into him around late December and he was perfectly fine. In fact, he suggested someone to paint my bumper. So to find out he died.. and of cancer, seemed really out of left field.

In any event, you never know when you'll see those numbers in your own life counting down to something that you really can't control and that could rock your world. You just have to roll with it, I suppose.

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