Wednesday, February 16, 2011

U.S. Government To Citizens: Eat a Fucking Vegatable

U.S. Government To Citizens: Eat a Fucking Vegetable

It looks like the federal government is in the business of telling you that you're fucking fat and you need to lay off the big macs already.
As the nation’s obesity crisis continues unabated, federal regulators on Monday issued their bluntest nutrition advice to date: drink water instead of sugary drinks like soda, fill your plate with fruits and vegetables and cut down on processed foods filled with sodium, fat or sugar.

More important, perhaps, the government told Americans, “Enjoy your food, but eat less.” Many Americans eat too many calories every day, expanding their waistlines and imperiling their health.

Robert C. Post, deputy director of the Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion at the Agriculture Department, said regulators hoped simple messages would resonate better than the more technical prose of the past.
Ha! I just have to wonder if the teabaggers are going to read this and decide they need to defy "that damn gubmint!!" and stuff their faces even more.

"Don't tread on me!"

The last time the American people got told to grow the fuck up and control their consumption, the backlash launched Reagan into power. So it's pretty clear that Americans will eat themselves to a slow uninsured death in a gutter somewhere rather than make ideological concession to government control. More so, than even greed, spite is the motivating force of America.

Some people just have problems understanding how much food is required for life and the government will probably have to assign everyone an exact food quota that going over is punishable by law before people are mindful of their eating habits (or really anything about their lives, Americans are not very mindful).

But then again, maybe calories aren't the issue here though. When you eat out often, the portions served are so god damn ridiculously large. I always tell people, let's all just split our food or order fewer meals than people because each plate has got to be at least two or three serving sizes. But no, people are all afraid of cooties or some shit and never want to do it.

Quantity is a really bad way to judge your consumption of calories, fats, carbs and the like. If you reform your diet then you might actually be increasing the quantity consumed while decreasing your caloric intake. Not to mention that a diet that is not so unbelievably high in sugar and carbs will also result in people tending to eat what they need instead of until excess. It's bascially eating more, but eating better. Never drink anything but water and go to the gym a couple of times a week.

Maybe I'm just projecting, as I clearly got a bit chubby over the winter and it's bumming me out. I seriously have to do something about it as it's making me feel dirty to be this.. um.. not myself.

I do believe that the American obesity epidemic is a direct consequence of the mid-west maize-petroleum symbiotic. Which is a creation of capital intended to provide the raw material for calorie dense foods (cheaper to transport, stock, etc.), which is a policy pursued to keep the cost of living for the lower classes down and thereby increase the relative surplus value extracted in exploitation. It's a terrifying confluence of the logic of capital and oil's insidious war machines. Kind of like Afghanistan.

We really should ban HFC's as it makes it east to create the problem that 100% of the American diet gets composed of corn in various degrees of processing. I bet you don't even realize how much corn you are consuming on a daily basis. There's corn in the meat, corn in some of the bottled water. Shit, you're putting corn products on you body left and right.

People are going to McDonalds and constructing an entire disgusting meal entirely out of the dollar menu items at least four or five times a week. The government is right.. Eat a fucking vegetable for fucks sake!

Oddly enough, the onion beat the real news to this by about a week or two...

It's real sad when the onion swoops in for a story before the regular media does.

Why is it that everyone in America is insistent on protecting the rights of children to destroy their bodies before they are capable of realizing what they are doing? Obese parents probably shouldn't be allowed to have children because they obviously can't take care of themselves, let alone children.

Makes you wonder if we had universal health care, the government would probably encourage obesity. Since that way it would cost less to provide care for them as they would be dying off a lot sooner.

The whole American relationship to food is really pretty strange given that most of our food at this point is more drug than nutrition. Go ahead and look at the back of a package of your favorite snack and check out the ratio of dopamine action vs nutrition gained.

Do I even need to point you towards This Is Why You're Fat?

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