Monday, March 31, 2014

And That Kids, Is How I Met Your Mother's Le Mis

And That Kids, Is How I Met Your Mother's Le Mis

Tonight we finally see how Ted met those kids freaking mother after 9 seasons. And you know what, it took just as much time to get to the point of Ted getting over Robin. In any event, we basically saw the best of Barney Stinson for all these years, but this is the crowning achievement that How I Met Your Mother will be known for...

And that Kids, is how I wrote a blog post about the final episode of How I Met Your Mother. 

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Well Now, These Are Some Good Covers

Well Now, These Are Some Good Covers

I liked these covers, so I'm sharing them in this yet again no content filter zone. BOOOM!



This one is just strange... but you know.. you know, we're on each other's team.

This one just makes the song sound a lot better. And not to mention the lack of objectification

And well, I just have to end on this one cause it's been infecting my brain for a good part of a month, but this take on it just kicks ass.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

We've Come A Long Way, But Women are Still Objectified

We've Come A Long Way, But Women are Still Objectified

Just listen to this very important 12 minutes on the sexes.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Well Aren't These Parents Going To Embarrass Her

Well Aren't These Parents Going To Embarrass Her

I'm pretty sure this little girl will be embarrassed by her parents.... well, if she isn't already.

It's cute, I mean, if your kid is going to be watching a movie to death, at least you can.... wait, I'm pretty sure the kid never wants to see that movie ever again.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Truth in University Advertising

Truth in University Advertising

Cause in our society you need an education.. but then again you're pretty much fucked if you get one.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Disney Characters Letting It Go

Disney Characters Letting It Go

Here's some fella singing Frozen's hit infectious song Let it go in other Disney character voices.

That was worth a listen.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

You Probably Shouldn't Cauterize a Wound

You Probably Shouldn't Cauterize a Wound

Because it really doesn't work and makes your wound even worse. Just like these folks can explain why.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Star Wars Gets Happy

Star Wars Gets Happy

So this is a parody of that good ol' Get Happy music video. Though I wish it was a bit better done. Great idea, but the execution left a little to be desired in that the characters just seem to walk through it.


I especially thought the Boba Fett stuff was... boring and could have had a lot more going on.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Chemistry Must Be Twerked

The Chemistry Must Be Twerked. 

So here's a little Breaking Bad remixed into music for your listening pleasure.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Wait, Transformers Looks Actually Good

Wait, Transformers Looks Actually Good

So this fourth Transformers comes out some time in the future Summer of who knows when Michael Bay has already secured the weekend for. I really couldn't care about the franchise as a whole. The films are a bunch of mixed up tribal tattoo robots making clickity clackity sounds and shooting things without much of a problem. But in seeing this latest trailer, I have to say, it looked pretty legit.

I mean, who doesn't want to see dinobots. They were the retarded robots of the franchise. At least Optimus Prime is in the proper truck - well, at least in the trailer.

Friday, March 21, 2014

I Don't Mean To Sound Racist But...

I Don't Mean To Sound Racist But... 

Am I the only one who doesn't match the voice to the singing?

I mean, for someone who looks fairly white, the voice just seems like it belongs to someone who is a different color. Man, I'm sounding so racist right now, but it's the truth - it just doesn't seem like it's fitting right.

Then again, bonus points for the pretty close likeness in recreating Clueless.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

So This Happens At Pizza Hut

So This Happens At Pizza Hut

Employees piss in the sink, I guess.

I mean, it's not like I blame him. Who among us hasn't had that urge to piss and someone was in the bathroom. Yeah, don't  act like you've never pissed in the sink before.

I guess the only difference is that you aren't selling pizzas. Shitty ones, at that.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Oscars Like To Keep One Thing Short - Animation

The Oscars Like To Keep One Thing Short - Animation

While the Oscars are pretty much an endurance race to get through, there's one thing they like keeping short...  animation.

Set in the mechanical world, Mr. Hublot follows a man with OCD who brings a robot puppy into his life. Laurent Witz wrote and directed the piece which is just pretty neat. I hope you enjoyed it.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I Really Can't Get More Excited About Captain America Than I Already Am

I Really Can't Get More Excited About Captain America Than I Already Am 

Damn you, Here I thought I was at the peak hype for this movie that comes out in another month.... oh shit, in another month I'm going to be 34. Oh sad realization. In any event, this little 4 minute clip for Captain America 2 just made me a happy little fella.

I like how they're actually using Cap's acrobatic skills and having him move around. Really adds a lot to what makes him a super powered hero. Especially when you look at him and he's just some dude with a metal shield he likes to throw around.

Monday, March 17, 2014

The Luck of the Kogi - Irish Street Burrito

The Luck of the Kogi - Irish Street Burrito 

I'll get into my feelings about this festive day of national drinking later, but for the time being, enjoy this little google glass ad that desperately tries to make google glass cool - sorry, that shit is never happening. But at the same time it also shows us Kogi's St. Paddy's day burrito

I mean, it just looked like it had a bit of corned beef in there. I'll try doing one better with my drunk holiday left overs tomorrow.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Who Framed Roger Rabbit's Deleted Scenes

Who Framed Roger Rabbit's Deleted Scenes

Well this is a bit of a disturbing deleted scene from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. But seriously, I mean, what the hell is going on here?

It's odd that they nuked it, especially since I did always wonder why he had his shirt off to piss when the toilet was flushing with him walking out. Really was a disturbing film, or was it just drawn that way?

Saturday, March 15, 2014

I Hate Frank Miller, But Damn Does This Look Good

I Hate Frank Miller, But Damn Does This Look Good

I really dislike Frank Miller these days. His writing is god awful and completely right swinging politically. But man can I just admit that this new trailer for Sin City 2 looks like it's one hell of a great movie.

I just hope he doesn't sneak in his views of women.... hahahahaha, okay, I couldn't even finish that statement. This is going to be great to look at and I know I'll hate myself for enjoying it. But damn is it not a great looking film.

Friday, March 14, 2014

The Cosmos Already Disappointed Me

The Cosmos Already Disappointed Me 

I have to say, I was really excited for Cosmos to come back but man did that first episode leave me feeling like I'm past that point now.

In the first episode we have 20 minutes pissed away talking about a guy who didn't do anything except have a dream about space, and another 15 minutes on cheesy CGI of his stupid penis shaped spaceship obscuring cheesy cgi of other things. 

I'm a little confused on how they had the budget for reflective space ship, CG frogdile and an animated Space Jesus, but couldn't spend one ounce of the budget on dinosaurs. Besides, we all know dinos live today - just look at a bird and you'll see one.
I really took issue with how much whining there was about being persecuted hundreds of years ago. No matter how much they want to focus on it, they aren't going to convince modern day opponents to relent on that. So a lot less focus could have been placed on that ad more time could have been spent in Space.

Look, I'll be the last person to actually defend the church. I'm a pretty strong Atheist, but let's give some credit where credit is due. Around that time the Vatican Astronomers were actually doing some really cool stuff towards the advancement of science.

The writing for the episode was untrue and written for no one but smug ass internet atheist who do shit like that stupid graph marking the 'dark ages' as irrevocable harm done to science by the broad concept of "the evil church"
Besides that, Bruno being executed for that belief is objectively wrong. If they were going to play the oppressed scientist by the evil church card, maybe they could have actually gone with the facts and not made Bruno out to be space Jesus.

Bruno, if you want to know, was executed because he denied that Jesus WAS God. The Holy Trinity and all that shit. Which is a pretty big thing to say when you're a Dominican Friar. It wasn't having to do with anything space related. 

 It's actually funny when you think about how a lot of the advances and theories in science came from Catholic priests and monks. So it was really unneeded to do those brush strokes painting the church in such a fashion. Worst yet, could they have found someone besides Seth MacFarlane to voice Bruno. I don't want to think of him having anything to do with this, and when the dog from Family Guy pops in as a historic figure, I can't help but say fuck it.

The sad part is that the right will be more pissed that Obama came on before it started and that Neil said "Sex" than they will ever be about getting the religious stuff right.

If you really want to see some real space video footage and not the CGI stuff, next weekend NASA and National Geographic are doing a Live from Space 2 hour Television event. It's a live stream of an orbit of earth from the international Space Station. Here's a little bit about it.
On March 14, 2014, the National Geographic Society, in association with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), will be presenting its special “Live from Space” at 8 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

The special will be broadcasting in real-time (live) from the $100-billion International Space Station (ISS) and the Mission Control Center (MCC) in Houston, Texas.

I'm not saying that I won't watch Cosmos, but man, I feel like the promises of that first episode let me down badly.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Le Simpsons

Le Simpsons

Director of Triplets of Belleville, Sylvian Chomet, recently directed a Simpsons Couch gag that was rather interesting and well worth checking out.

It's really amazing how the Simpsons are getting all these great directors to do their opening. Though I wish the writing staff was a bit more talented, as the quality of the show has been complete and utter shit for the last half a decade or so. To the point that I haven't really even bothered checking it out.

Oh well, I guess we'll have a moment or two, depending on how much filler they want to add to the show, to enjoy from the show.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Heroes Reborn

Heroes Reborn

So NBC decided to take a page out of the ol' Marvel play book and bring back Heroes, a show that was pretty much buried because of them...

I'm sort of wondering why. I mean, like I said, they had a show that was amazing in the first season into something that was god awful for every season afterwards until it was justifiably canceled. It was really a bad show after that first season.

I sort of blame the writers strike, but then again, I really blame the inability to give a shit about the story that the writers who did come back had. They let Peter leave some chick in some dystopian future and then never bothered to tie that loose end up in the seasons that followed.

it was bad. real bad. And this is coming from someone who has a lunch box that is signed by most of the cast and the creators. I really didn't give a shit that the show was coming back and I sort of don't want it to. If it got put out for being such a bad racing horse, why bring it back? There's really no reason for it.

Monday, March 10, 2014

True Detective Wrapped Up

True Detective Wrapped Up

Here's a little behind the scenes from last night's episode

I mean, I'm still soaking in all the goodness that the season finale was, but while I process that stuff, here's some stuff that made the show even better - The music

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Let's Do The Time Wrap Again!

Let's Do The Time Wrap Again!

It's that time of the year again!

Yes, we're losing a god damn hour. Tomorrow when someone asks you what you did at 2am last night, you can honestly say that you didn't do anything or just flat out don't remember it at all. Mainly because it never existed. 2am jumps to 3am and we're one hour into the future in our time traveling goodness.

To be honest, this shit is coming up sooner and sooner. This will mark the earliest that we have ever jumped ahead for daylight saving time. Since Bush mandated that we do it the second weekend of March, this is just pushing it. Now we're in Daylight Saving Time for more time than we aren't. We're in this stupid lack of the hour zone for 8 months of the year. So for only 4 months we're actually on normal time.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy

Yeah, this is one of my most anticipated Marvel Movies this year.

Looks so fucking cool.

Friday, March 7, 2014

The Call of Cthulhu

The Call of Cthulhu

Ah, it's about time we do some reading... and since Americans generally don't like reading, how about if someone else reads to you? Sounds like a plan? Well then, let's jump into the bold world of H.P. Lovecraft and melt your mind with this little ditty.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

So This is How you're Car Will Get Damaged in West Hollywood

So This is How you're Car Will Get Damaged in West Hollywood

Ah technology. How long have I wanted robots to park my car instead of me. Soon in West Hollywood it'll be a reality.

The garage is planned to be three stories tall and will probably fuck up your car's paint job and ding it up to hell. But you know people will use it and complain when the elevator engine breaks, trapping a car there for a while. Whoops!

But it seems pretty simple. What could go wrong? I guess it's offering more parking in the already tough to find parking area of West Hollywood. So I suppose that's something.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Fucking Arrow!

Fucking Arrow! 

I really don't have any words for this 3 minute teaser/"movie" trailer for the remaining Arrow episodes. This sucker looks fucking amazing and as a nerd, I think I just messed myself.

Yeah. This is how you do it, Agents of Shield, take note.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Happy Mardi Gras Day!

Happy Mardi Gras Day! 

Get them beads out, cut your piece of Kings Cake and grab a bowl for that Gumbo that someone is bound to be making, cause it's mother fuckin' Mardi Gras day! Fat Tuesday! And if you have any Louisiana blood in your veins or just love that sense of fun and free flowing activity of just celebrating a loud good time, you aught to go see the Mardi Gras.

The music, I tell you, that for a chunk of land that is solidly under water if a big storm comes, it's a grand ol' time.

The music is the main selling point for me. I mean, you could drink in the streets of New Orleans any ol' day. But the brass bands coming out and giving it their own on the streets is something else. I do plan on going some time to see me some Mardi Gras Indians. That will be a sight to see.

In any case, get yourself some Abita beer and enjoy the day, cause it be Mardi Gras!

Monday, March 3, 2014

How Do They Make A Movie Like Frozen?

How Do They Make A Movie Like Frozen? 

Much like you ask how do you solve a problem like Maria, you should ask how Disney creates a movie like Frozen. I know three of the actors from the film did so...

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Kate Upton In Space

Kate Upton In Space

This is it. This is what all humanity has been leading up to. No longer will we achieve anything better. Anything more than what we just did. In that getting Kate Upton into zero g's and defying gravity with those breast of hers... all for some god damn swimsuit magazine.

Way to go humanity. So how was it done?

I think we can close the book on humanity now. Our species have done something that will live on for ions to come.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

World War II - The Real Game of Risk

World War II - The Real Game of Risk

As we March forward into the month of March, here's a little graph of how much World War II was like the game of Risk. In which no one ever wants to play and you lose ground insanely quickly with those boarder countries.

Yeah, it's pretty insane on how many deaths there were in this whole war. Utterly insane how easy life could be lost.