Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Google Glass Doesn't See Porn

Google Glass Doesn't See Porn

Back in the 80's when VHS and Betamax were battling it out in terms of who will be the one format the wins out... till, you know, something like DVD came out and destroyed VHS, there was actually a critical moment as to when Betamax, the format that oddly enough was superior over VHS in terms of quality of the film. But there was a moment when Betamax lost. And that was when it came to porn.... besides longer record time and all.

Before the home cassette days, you didn't really have much option when it came to watching a movie at home. likewise, when you wanted to see porn, you had to go to a movie theater and watch it with many others. Oddly enough this is what got Pee Wee Herman in trouble. In any event, with the invention of the Home Video, it meant you could keep the privacy of your home in tact.

And while Beta was the far superior quality, the lack of porn that porn producers jumped on VHS's wagon early is one key factor. The lesson there is don't turn your back on porn or it may fuck you.

Now a new format in technological advancements approaches with that damn Google Glasses, a method that you no longer have to look down at your smart phone to show friends that you're not interested in what they are talking to you about. But there's one issue here... Google says no to porn.
On Monday morning, the first porn app for Google Glass was announced. Unfortunately, the app violated the most recent additions to Google's developer policies for the futuristic eyewear, which ban sexually explicit material.
The pornographic app for Glass was released by MiKandi, an adult app store that has a successful Android app store for adult apps. Using the application, Google Glass wearers could look at photos and watch videos filmed using Google Glass. The company wanted to expand from first-person point of view videos to one-on-one interactions between adults who both have Glass.
Now it seems that business plan will need to be altered.
Google added a new section to its developer policies for Google Glass late last week that prohibits apps from delivering sexually explicit content.

"Our policies make it clear that Glass does not allow Glassware content that contains nudity, graphic sex acts, or sexually explicit material. Any Glassware that violates this policy will be blocked from appearing on Glass," a Google spokesperson said. The same section promises harsh penalties for any app featuring child pornography. Google also bans gratuitous violence, hate speech and gambling on Glass.

It's rather odd. One of the main searches that probably turned Google into what Google is today had to be porn. Now Google is turning its back on something that made it what it is today. Go figure. If anything, you'd think that Google Glass and porn would go um...er... hand in hand. Something about having your hands free when it comes to porn seems like it's a perfect fit. Why you messing with the program, Google?!

I suppose it is a good thing. It's annoying enough to have folks talk on the phone while you're in line at the market or waiting for a film to start. Just imagine how disturbing it would be to have someone seeing some porn in front of you as they not pay attention to what is going on in life.

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