Whatcha lookin' at, skinny punk? Yeah. I know. I said I was putting this shit on hold till the shit stopped getting real. But you know what. I saw a bunch of you cock faggots bashin' on the milf. aNd I don't mean bristol. Damn retards keep flyin' out o fher cooch I can't plug it up in time, yo.
first off I saw this Story.
Local restaurant creates Palin sandwichW.T.F. $13 bucks? For a sandwich? For dat much I could just buy a couple of ounces and blow some smoke in the tard babies face. But then they get me on the fact that I'd be eating mrs. Palin. I think we all know how much of a milf she is. Oh man, I would take that Palin and munch on it all-night-LONG! Yeah!
ANCHORAGE, Alaska-- A local restaurant is incorporating politics into its menu.
Lion's Den restaurant in Midtown Anchorage has created its own specialty: the McPalin Grilled Pig Sandwich. Lion's Den owner Dale Keefe says he normally keeps politics out of work conversation, but when he was making sandwiches with his crew last week, the big top news story was Barack Obama's comment, "You know, you can put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig."Obama's comment began Keefe's political food creation.
The McPalin sandwich has grilled pork tenderloin on it, with caramelized apples, red onions, melted cheddar cheese, and crisp bacon. Most food creators add some type of garnish such as parsley or fruit to top off their dish, but Keefe decided to do something a little more personal. The sandwich is served with a side of lipstick and fries. The McPalin grilled pig sandwich runs for about $13, and has been selling out.
Comes with a lipstick? Please, I come with a pink lipstick to have her put on her lips, if you get what I'm sayin'. Yo. And fuck you Obanana, with your lipstick comment. You made that bitch come home crying. I couldn't try to get my game on because of your trash talking. You never read the Game or anything? Shit man, you know how much of a pain in the ass it was trying to get some after that emotional shit? not even bristol wanted to give it up.

You can put lipstick on dez nuts
but they'll still be dez nutz.
The old dead dude was chilling back over here the other day. I thought he was dead sitting on the couch all pale and shit. I poked him with my bong and he woke up and was muttering about going to some star wars senate and voting. I told him votings for pussies and bitches, Which are you? Then he shut up. Yeah, that's right. Levi showing his mad pimp skillz.
He started babbling on about some vote to save the market from crashing and I was not even bothering to pay attention. Markets can't drive you stupid fuck. How would they crash? Anywayz, he realized I was spouting off wisdom and I popped in From Russia, with Love. That james bond movie is the shit, yo. He passed me his medical marijuana that he had cause of his huge boil on his face and we toke'd it up.

Look at that pussy act like he's Bond.
Faggot, you aint no bond! aND my tard baby
aint getting no tiara. I'm the only king of this castle
Then you got katie curic talking shit to her in front of her own face in them interviews. What the fuck. I bet you thin ass is just jealous that Palin was some hockey mom and was governor and shit. nOT like you who has what? A failed cbs news job? Shit, you should have just stuck to that morning news shit I used to flip on when I came home after banging bristol.
Bristol's been all stressed out that mrs. Palin is going to go stand infront of some hall on thursday and debate some old douche. I'm hoping that it helps in making this knocked up stuff go away. Cause I saw on house once that it happened that way. I don't got no money for champaign and the last time we tried that, we got retard baby and all. So no go on that shit, you hear.

You know what Im talkin' bout! YEAAH!
tHen when I was cleaning up Tards shit on the floor, cause I spent the diaper money on those Palin sandwiches, I read this shit.
That's what you get, new Deli. What the fuck, why didn't anyone tell me there was a new deli opening up? I'm tired of eating fucking rations. Maybe they have some moose meat. When I'm over at mrs. Palin's pad, she's always cramming those hockey pucks at me. Bitch needs to learn how to cook a burger without burning that shit, yo.Fatwa against Zardari for flirting with Palin
New Delhi: A Pakistani cleric has issued a fatwa against Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari for flirting with US Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.Maulana Abdul Ghafar of Islamabad's Lal Masjid said that Zardari's behaviour was un-Islamic and that the President has shamed the entire nation.
The Maulana said that President Zardari's indecent gestures, filthy remarks and repeated praise of a non-Muslim lady wearing a short skirt is not only un-Islamic but also unbecoming of a head of state of a Muslim country.
But what the fuck, why you messing with my baby momma's momma? Fuckin' faggot. I'll fucking go over to that deli of your meat till its thin as slices, fucking faggot. Don't you know I'm trying to get a mother-daughter shit going? Just like that bang bus video where the dude picks up the chick and at the end he doesn't even pay her ass! YEAH!

I gave her that crabs she has. Yeah, you heard me.
Now I hear shit talk about how she'll be nonanswering answering during that masterbate on thursday and I agree. bitch always gives me nonanswers to when I ask for a little bit of that ass, you know. STIll, no need to have the shit talk that is going around.
Anywayz, I'm done with dat shit. Talk to you mother bitches later. And just stop talkin yor shit about Palin. Bitch is smart, you can tell that by her glasses. Damn nerd girl glasses reminds me of those skinny bitches I made fun of in high school before I dropped out. You know, the ones I secretly wanted to bang while I was copping a fill on Bristol.
So be warmed, you fuckers. I got my eye on you, and my third eye on bristol. BOo-yah! catch you fags on the flip side.