Thursday, April 18, 2019



Tired of dealing with wannabe-instagram "influencers" begging for free shit in exchange for promoting the target of free shit's items, the owner of a beach club in the Philippines decide to take a stand against this stupid action. The manager and co-owner of the White Banana Beach Club on the island of Siargao, Gianluca Casaccia went ape shit at the whole subgroup of leaches in the blogosphere saying
"We are receiving many messages regarding collaborations with influencers, Instagram influencers, we kingly would like to announce that White Banana is not interest to collaborate with self proclaimed influencers and we would like to suggest to try another way to eat, drink and sleep for free. Or try to actually work for a living."

It has gotten to the point where these freeloarders would write shit like "Hi, I'm an influencer, we like your place, we're staying from XXX in February to XXX February, we're three people, you provide food and drinks and we draft an Instagram post and we tag you on our story."

The thought that was your big business model for gathering brand appeal and promotion is fucking crazy. It just goes to show that everyone now a days thinks they're some play maker that can get away with asking for something for literally nothing.

Then again, this shit isn't anything new. Photographers, editors and other media content folks who try to get your material in exchange of "exposure". Yelpers who fucking gave the noun yelper a terrible name because they were demanding little shits.  Influencers is just the new normal of shit heads trying hard to be relevant

This does bring to light the nature of the whole concept of the so-called influencers. Many people just assume because they bought a lot of bots or have a lot of follows that they some how make a difference to anything now. We live in this Kim Kardasian world were folks just want to be famous for existing and it's really sad.

Some got offended by being called out and suggested that their social media manager should have handled it a lot better, but fuck that. you need to cut the weeds in order to survive and the only way you'll do that in this case is by making it as obvious as possible that you aren't handing out free shit to freeloaders.

Even the concept that influencers can provide a huge boost of recognition to the location seems far fetched because now with the digital age, you don't need someone else to prop you up and promote you as much given the fact that there's so many other ways to get promotion for your business in the digital age.

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