Tuesday, August 28, 2018



Did I get your attention yet? Look, I don't think Bill Gates wants us all to die, but when a 1% Illuminati member to worry about a global pandemic is a little more to worry about. Because he states now 
"The next deadly disease that will cause a global pandemic is coming and we're not ready. An illness like the pandemic 1918 influenza could kill 30 million people within six months, Gates said, adding that the next disease might not even be a flu, but something we've never seen.  The world should prepare as it does for war" 
Now time for a little scare youtube video;

We are a global world and it has been a while since a deadly global situation has happened, and it can happen easily. I think the issue here is that Bill Gates is a source to listen to and maybe we shouldn't just be throwing money away on silly parades and wars and actually put them towards getting that universal flu treatments done. As well as work on getting folks out of poverty around the globe and smashing things like Polio and malaria.

We need to focus on the pandemic preparedness. And I write this as someone who doesn't really have a fully functional Earthquake preparedness kit going. Then again, unlike earthquakes, diseases can be weaponized. Hell, Gates even ranted on in his talk about a non-state actor building an even deadlier form of smallpox in a lab for whatever evil threat. So hey, prepare yourself for something like SARS and MERS viruses

And while Gates is one to doom and gloom all of this, I think he is putting some money where his mouth is and offered $12 million in grants to encourage those universal flu vaccine development. In any event, just better start shitting your pants, cause I'm sure some crippling pant shitting diseases will show up sooner or later!

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