Saturday, March 9, 2019

Florida Gonna Floirida


I lived in Florida for a brief stint in my early 20's and well, I seem to find myself coming back to this state more than I like to admit. I mean, it doesn't hurt that Disney is here as well as a far superior Universal Studios in terms of Harry Potter fandom. But I come yearly for a beer festival that the brewery I work at throws and I guess I'm just the most qualified to handle the strangeness that Florida has to offer.

So yeah, not much updates and post lately. Mainly because, well, I'm busy. But this time around Florida feels a little stranger. It was about a year ago at the last beer event that I came out here that my relationship sort of took some strange turns before slamming itself into the side of a mountain. But I recall the most confusing aspect of it all being that I was in the middle of my work trip and getting told on the phone that they were going to be at their parents and I should get an uber back from the airport - mind you, I didn't have any of my keys on me. To then a day or two later when I did get back to LAX get picked up by them with some in & out in hand ready for me.

Talk about confusing shit. I mean, spoiler alert, the whole thing burned down in the "break" period that followed, so I mean, I guess there's a little bit of aspect of this trip out this year being a sort of make up for that strange last time feeling.

Last year I was dreading the final two extra days after the beer event where I was just puttering around wondering how my life was just going to collapse on itself and wanting to, and being itching to get back home to deal with the situation. This time, I dunno. There's some nerves but let's just say I'm making the best of this trip with as much self care as possible because... well, it's a year later. I'm in my late 30's and I'm now single for about the last year and I sort of feel like the wounds are still going to be there, that I'm healed and out there living for me.

That's one thing about me, I always seemed to put other's needs before my own and well, that's just not really something I want to do right now. I'm putting me first. And while I know I will always be the chivalrous type, I am aware that this is the route I need to take otherwise I will never be really satisfied. So yeah, I'm on my own right now - honestly, I enjoy trips with people, be it the person I'm in a relationship with or just friends because this is all about making memories and I'm not sure my memories will last forever. So I guess there's a bit of loneliness there, but I do like my own company and I'm not afraid of befriending strangers along the way.

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