Wednesday, September 26, 2018



There's a few things to consider now that Bill Cosby has straight up been found guilty for being the worthless piece of shit he was and raping women by means of drugging them.  One thing is that he's probably going to die in a prison ward hospital. And honestly, that's perfectly fine.

Then again, it's also good to know that he got labeled a 'Sexually Violent Predator' by the Judge. Whatever else happens and however many years he actually does of the 3 to 10 years due to his money and status, at least that label is not going to go away and The Cosby Show will never see another day on screen. 

Because, to tell you the truth, I thought he may actually avoid prison entirely on a mistrial. At least my jaded "people with money straight up don't need to follow laws" mind. But to find out that not only has he been found guilty, will do time, but he isn't even going to be allowed any time between now and when he needs to start his incarceration - man, I'm really surprised by all that.

I do find it a bit ironic that Bill Cosby, a beloved film and tv actor, can be held liable for a sexual assault from 35 years ago - Yet the man the GOP wants to sit in the highest court of the land, The Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh can't be held account and it's just stated as "Boys will be boys"

Then again, Cosby is black. I got to remember that we're still in America. I also have trouble writing about this because I am, self proclaimed, backed up with actions and philosophy, a feminist. Which being male, can always seem problematic or at least your motives are questioned. There has been too many wolves in sheep's clothing type of situations where a douche bag pretends to be a feminist just to get in good with women. That classic "I'm a nice guy" but really they're a piece of shit jerk who just feel entitled to something, type of people out there.

There was a vice writer who wrote articles under the moniker The Male Feminist by day and then choked and punched women by night. And yes, I understand that this "New Batman" sounds fucked up - Sidenote - Even the promise of seeing Batman's dick didn't get me to buy the newest Batman comic. This must truly mean that I'm over comic books as I'm reaching my 40's. My dead dad would finally be proud of me, I guess. But the whole idea while I write this that basically my "feminist" credibility could be questioned is what makes this situation so sad. 

Cosby, by some account, had about 60 accusers who came out to say he raped them. Just imagine that shit. 60 times this piece of shit drugged women and assaulted them and the sentence he got was 3-10 years. That really doesn't make me feel like society has any value on the safety of women and even more so, doesn't see it as lives destroyed. Same with the Supreme Court nominee. How, as a society can we really value one another as people when we treat the majority of the population as if it doesn't matter if they're sexually assaulted.

It's just sad and I can go on about this shit, but let's just end this with me saying that Cosby's publicist is one of the most vile human beings I have ever seen.

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