Tuesday, October 23, 2018



So I have a strange question to ask and you may think me odd for asking, but what really is the mark of the beast?  666 or 616?

I know, what? Why would I even ask that question. How dare I assume that Iron Maiden would somehow lie to us. Do I really think that the church of Satan would not know, in full acknowledgement, that their own sign of the best is something specific? But I ask anyhow and I don't take any sort of hesitation in trying to figure it out.

Some biblical historians say that the actual mark of the beast is 616 and not actually 666. since 6+1+6=13, the beast was talked about in Revelation 13, I guess that just makes more sense in the long run otherwise the bible would have picked Revelation 18 to lay it down, ya know. 
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
Then again, the bible said that the devil is a liar. Given that Iron Maiden is all about the devil, they might naturally be lying as well on the mark of the beast.  Maybe a true prince of lies would tell the truth and then lie about it later so it makes sense that it could be 666, but he doesn't want you to know it is six six six. Man, this is getting really deep now.

You also ever notice that there's no 666 area code. maybe that's a good indication that it's not 616. Would our government lead us this far astray? I think not. So damn, I guess the case may be closed here... or is it? I mean, our government puts some strange shit on our dollar bill that could be mark of the beast. then bar codes. Oh my, it's all getting so clear now.

Truth be told, I think that if there was a 666 area code, it would probably have to be in L.A.  Hollywood is such animals and deserves nothing less than that.

Anyhow, going beyond that, maybe 2/3 is the real number of the beast. I guess the proof there is that the more 6's you have in a number, the more evil it is. But 2/3 has infinite digits and all of them are 6's. I guess it just doesn't sound as cool in a death metal song.

I know folks who avoid both $6.16 and 6.66 charges at the grocery store just to be on the safe side. I mean, I get it. Don't want to be conducting business with that sort of evil, now would you? It's very wise of them to do so. But maybe they should also remember that God created all numbers and he is the Alpha and the Omega, and already beat the hell out of Satan. So perhaps she shouldn't number shame any of God's spiritually created numbers no matter what combination they are in.

I also have seen that it could be 656 in a bunch of stuff, but for almost all protestant denominations in the usa, it's clearly 616. But just remember, that it doesn't matter if it's any of those, you can praise Satan with any number. All that matters is that you keep him in your heart.

Then again, why do all the numerology things work in English, which wasn't even a language when these biblical secrets were encoded

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