Thursday, October 25, 2018



All that has happened, all that will happen, has already happened and is happening right now.  Yeah, that's a strange thought to have, but it seems that it's the one of a new theory that time may not be passing by at all and time travel can be possible as our perception of time itself is relative to yourself and limited to where you are in it.

At least that's what this new Block Universe Theory is all about.

Follow me for a second as I try to explain this concept that your perception of time is based on where you are in it and that at any given moment, let's just say right now. What has happened and what will happen is already happening... right.this.moment.

It's through the power of perception. We can't just pop into the future or the past because we're doing time slowly one day at a... well, time. Every minute just passes forward it doesn't seem to us that we're moving backwards because we're constantly moving towards something. It's like a train with the forward momentum. Now just imagine that the past, present and future all exist on one time line that is happening all at once.

The Block Universe theory states that the universe may be looked at from afar as a giant four dimensional block of spacetime. On that time line it has everything that has, will and currently is happening. Which doesn't make sense, but think of it like a film strip. You can see the beginning of the film, the middle and the end. All at once, you can go and visit the beginning, you can even go and see the end. But you can't change any of it because it's already developed.

There's not really a "now" so much as there is a sitting in the moment. We are, currently, seeing the present as the present. If we were to go into the future and visit that, it would be seen to us as the present. Same with the past. We can't alter it because, it's sort of fixed time.

And yes, this new theory does state you can travel in time. But then again, at whatever point you are in, you'll just feel like it's your present because it is. You won't know of the future or the past because that would just be the future and the past. But doing this traveling, you'd have to do it using wormholes or something like that to get you across vast amount of space.

But the past will remain the past even if you're in it, which I guess will be the present. You can't change it because it is actively happening with the present. Which does make you wonder if you don't realize you are changing it, but it was changed because of it? I mean, let's just say that maybe the present is the present because your future self went in to the past and changed it to what the present is. Or maybe it is that way because they did go into the past. It's a complicated thing, this time travel stuff.

The problem with this theory is that it really throws any sort of repercussion out the window. What does it matter if I'm doing something today, the future is already written in stone and I can't change that. Or maybe you already did by having such an attitude like that. The whole point is that everything is happening at the same time with Block Universe theory. So go ahead and enjoy yourself. Not much worth living for as you are already living it all at the same exact moment right this minute.

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