Monday, October 22, 2018



Look, we live in 2018, I shouldn't have to wake up in cold sweats at night in fear that my fictitious male child will have the dangers in this life that seem to be happening these days. Such as being accused of, *gasp* harassing a pretty lady when he whistles at her. I mean, if she didn't want to be whistled at, why does she even exist? Should have thought of that before you happen to be created, Missy.  On top of that, the idea that my young non-existent male child will not get everything he felt he was entitled to - including but not limited to, far more pay than a female counter part, a position of power that he'd have to compete with a woman to attain, that sex when he's done everything like bring flowers and been nice to a female friend.... man, I'm just too shocked to even go on thinking of the horrors that society will be like when he's old enough to demand things from it.

Ok, I couldn't carry that sarcasm on for too long. I feel dirty now. But this is the reality. This is the reaction from those who shout to others that they're snowflakes. That they now fear interacting with women because they may do something inappropriate to cause them to be accused of something that would get them #Metoo'ed. This is an actual fear now.

Let me just put your mind at ease - If you have a fear of this shit. Then you are already doing. You are already making someone feel uncomfortable with your backwards ass thinking that you still grasp on to for some reason. The life you lived 20 years ago when you just assumed secretaries were just there to get your calls and eye candy to watch. You are the fucking problem and yeah, you should be worried because the shit you are doing, that you do out of second nature, is the exact actions you need to course correct if you want to be included in the modern American idea of what is civil and normal to do.

Donald Trump fearing that his sons will fall victim to it, well sorry, they already do this shit. They already have done this shit and unless they make right and figure that it's not their way or the highway and conform to a new normal where that sort of line of action is NOT normal, then they'll be called out as they should. As anyone should. You can sort of brush it off when the elderly racist says something... well, racist. You don't think it's right. You don't, by any means just let it fly. You try to tell them that we live in a new era where that sort of talk isn't really accepted or appreciated. The thing is that those folks stuck in their way just want things to be THEIR way no matter what and it's just something that can't happen anymore if we're going to be in a functioning new society.

I thought we were making progress. Sure, women still fear the hell out of even walking alone at night in 2018, but I thought we were making some progress towards a future that wasn't totally fucked and a little less backwards. But here we are. Here we are in a society that women still fear leaving a drink unattended for more than a few seconds in fear that something would be placed in it. We live in a world where walking to your car includes putting the keys in between your finger knuckles "just in case" someone comes at you from the shadows. Where the first thing you do when you get into the car is lock the door and make sure it's locked. But hey, old white out of touch assholes, complain all you want about the fact that you are afraid of calling that young professional some cheeky name. I'm sure that fear trumps all others.

In short, how about we try to generate some equality. Some good will towards one another and perhaps, just a thought, stop being so entitled that your new found sense of fear is even remotely close to the horrors and truths that others have had to deal with their entire life time without you ever giving a shit about them because you're so self centered in why you have to be more courteous to other's feelings all of the sudden. 

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