Tuesday, February 19, 2019



You ever wonder about those employees to a company that are super loyal to the brand even though the company would probably not hesitate to fire their ass at the moments notice in order to make a better bottom line dollar in profits?

You see this in the strangest places. Like pharmacy's like CVS. I mean, who the fuck even cares about the company there except that one employee who would take a fucking bullet in order to make sure that a product like a candy bar isn't stolen or that the register isn't short 10 cents. They think that by showing devotion, they can move up the ranks and while yeah, that has some merits, the majority of time it's just some foolish bullshit that they should otherwise be using that time and energy at an actual career that will yield them a better reward.

The whole notion that you will be with a company for 30, 20, shit, even 15 years is something that has been lost in time. No longer is that a certainty and more than likely the company will cut you for the increase of profits to highlight to the stock holders. Those are the people that companies now value the loyalty of. No longer any of you grunts on the ground. Appease the masters and all that jazz.

It really is a rare sight to see any company actually retain a lot of their employees for any given amount of time. Hell, I am already on career path 3 right now and I'm 38. I mean, I retired from an industry where if you take the collective amount of time I worked, I did 30 years worth of 9-5's, but still, in our life time the idea and concept of actually retiring with a company that was your sole employer is just so strange and alien that it's just not going to happen.

And with crushing student loans and employers looking out for stock holders, who the hell is actually getting that loyalty that deserves it. So I say don't be loyal to an employer. Be loyal to yourself. The rest of the world is loyal to their own self interest, you may as well look out for yourself now before you end up hating the fact that you didn't look out for #1 earlier.

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