Monday, February 4, 2019



Look, I know that shopping at Costco can be scare because of how much of the product you get, well, I'm here to tell you that as a single man who lives alone (be it with too many cats) that you too can live the costco life without fear that you are going to just end up throwing a lot of food away.

You see, it's about finding that right balance of what you use and what you buy. First off, I would highly recommend that you get a cold freezer. Everyone who shops at Costco should have a chest freezer and that's just the facts to that. Otherwise you're just playing Jenga with your purchases and the amount of cold storage items you can buy at costco is insane. Not to mention that you won't have to worry about figuring out how to make everything fit right. Simply put, the value of  your shopping basically skyrockets when you have a chest freezer.

But don't buy one of those that is a stand up freezer.  Sure, you can see everything you have, and the one complaint and rookie mistake that folks do is just throw things into a chest freezer not organizing it well enough to be able to pull things out. Because if you're losing food in your chest freezer, maybe you're just really bad at that sort of thing.

The real problem with stand up freezers is that they're horribly inefficient because they drop the entire batch of cold air out every time you open the door due to gravity. That's why chest freezers are so efficient. They don't lose anything. Also, it's like 3-5x cheaper per square foot than a stand up freezer just in terms of the materials required to make a chest freezer versus a full size stand up freezer.

Thankfully costco sales them as well. Though, let's just flat out say it, maybe you can buy both and have the stand up freezer for the stuff you'll use immediately and need access to in your kitchen, but also the chest freezer is great for when you need to keep a lot of cold storage items. Then again, you probably could just do with two chest freezers instead if you do require that much frozen space.

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